Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Nutrition and Wieght Management

This week I read Nutrition and Weight Management by Lori A. Smolin. I barely ever read non-fiction books, but I read this one for my research report on child obesity. As far as non-fiction books go, this one was okay. First it explains what weight management is and then it shows you how you can change your lifestyle to a healthier one. It is full of information, facts, and statistics. I think that’s why I usually don’t read non-fiction books. Most of the time, they are made up of only facts. I actually didn’t make it through this whole book because it could tend to drag on and it was hard to stay focused. However, this book was a huge help for my report because I could skip around and find facts to support certain parts of my paper. One good part of the book is that in the end it has 20 pages dedicated to graphs and charts. This spices up the book a little bit because if I get tired of just reading and reading, I can take a break and look at the graphs, which are easier and more interesting to interpret. Another section of the book that helped keep me awake was the fact boxes. Every few pages there are fact boxes, with a random and usually interesting fact about obesity in the world today.
I believe this book would be really helpful for anyone looking to improve their health. It has a lot of good advice about eating healthy and exercising daily, while warding you off from dangerous dieting schemes. My advice to anyone who is thinking of reading this book is to not read the whole book front to back at one time. Search the book for sections that are helpful to your specific need because otherwise you might get bored and frustrated. Overall, this book helped a lot with my paper and I think it could help a lot of people struggling with their health.

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