Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hanging on to Max

Okay, I didn't have time to write my blog last week, (even though I did read a book) so I'm just writing two this week. Soo last week I read Hanging on to Max by Margaret Bechard. This book is about Sam Pettigrew, who's a senior in highschool AND a dad. He has enough trouble trying to take care of himself and now he has a baby boy, Max, to take care of also. Max's mom moved away for a new start, to a new highschool, where no one will ever know she had a kid. Sam goes to a new school also, one made especially for teenage mothers and fathers. Throughout the story, Sam struggles balancing school, fatherhood, pleasing his own father, and even a new girlfriend. His dad thinks he's crazy for keeping the baby, the school's pressuring him to try for college, and his friends expect him to be the same person as he was before the baby came. All Sam wants, however, is what's best for Max and so all decisions are centered around him. However, it's hard for Sam to go from only caring about himself to having to be responsible for another human being.
I think a lot of people would love this book. It's a really quick and easy read. I thought the book was okay, but definately not amazing. They packed such a huge and important topic into a 100- page story so it kind of feels rushed. Especially the ending. All the sudden there's a twist ending (I won't say what) that happens in the last, like, 5 or so pages. On the other hand, you really care about the characters in the end. Overall, I think the read is worth it !

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